Research Photo
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Take control of your research photos with Tropy, a tool that shortens the path from finding archival sources to writing about them. Spend more time using your research photos, and less time searching for them.

Group photos into documents
Annotate your photos
Add custom tags
Search your collections
Export your research
Bring order to your research — use the power of Tropy to organize and describe your research photos so you can quickly find your sources whenever you need them, whether that’s days or years later.
When you return from the archives with hundreds or thousands of research photos, making sense of them can feel like trying to escape a labyrinth. Tropy brings order to this chaos by providing a common-sense way to organize and describe your research. Use Tropy to transform impenetrable folders of nameless photos into an adaptable organization system where it’s easy to find any photo.
Tropy is flexible enough to work the way that you do. Photos can be grouped into individual research documents or objects; documents can be grouped into collections or tagged. You can take notes to describe or transcribe your photos. Full-text search covers all of these levels to help you find what you need. Export to JSON-LD and Omeka S allows you to share and collaborate with others.
The team behind Tropy is based at the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History, and also in Vienna, Austria. Tropy is funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Outreach coordinator
Lead developer
Product designer
Principal investigator
Jim Safley
Sean Takats
Principal investigator